November 28, 2023 tsddev

Does your slow website need PageSpeed?

A slow website frustrates your visitors, makes your brand look crap, reduces your conversion rate and essentially, loses you money.

slow web hosting

No no, we’re not yanking your chain. One of the most valuable analytics tools out there to help improve a slow website is PageSpeed insights from Google. So what exactly does it do and should you be using it?

Firstly, what does PageSpeed insights do?

PageSpeed Insights or PSI for short, creates a report to help you better understand how your website is performing across both desktop and mobile, along with how you can improve the page performance. The results are measured against a specific set of metrics and any areas of improvements or, “no-nos”, will be indicated with an amber square or a red triangle, depending on their score. Anything done well is given a green circle, hooray, you’re doing a fab job! By giving these coloured markers, PageSpeed Insights makes it much easier for you to create a strategy, schedule improvements or organise a party, simply by looking at the results.

So why should you use it?

If your website:

  • Is super slow
  • Doesn’t load fully
  • Times out
  • Makes you want to cry and pull your hair out

You definitely need to do something about it. Websites with poor performance or can only be accessed from one type of device will have a negative impact on your business. Hang on, you didn’t know that websites = sales?!

We’d encourage you to take a look at some of our previous blog articles

A slow website frustrates your visitors, makes your brand look crap, reduces your conversion rate and essentially, loses you money.

Yeah, we thought you might be interested to learn more. If you would like to understand this incredible tool in more detail, or want to understand how we can use it to measure your website’s speed and performance, book in a call with us today.